Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, several months before Christmas, I got an email from a lady in our homeschool group who wanted someone to teach her daughters to crochet. My mom taught me how when I was a little girl, so I volunteered. We met several times, and she became a dear friend through that crocheting adventure of ours! Through all that, my daughters decided they wanted to learn to crochet..I thought that, at 6 and 9, they might be too young, but they caught on quite nicely! First to learn was my 6 year old, when her 9 year old sister was visiting grandma. She quickly caught onto the chain stitch, but struggled getting past there. But, the trooper that she is decided that she would just keep doing what she knew! So, she sat one day and crocheted and crocheted until her yarn ran out! That chain must have been well over 6 feet long! It was so cute, I had to take pictures!

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