Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Haircut...Before and After

Do you see the boy, happy and blissful in his curly-headed beauty? (the orange spot on his left nostril is from putting an orange peanut m&m up his nose! As proud as we were of his new "skill", we quickly discouraged that!) Well, daddy was not so happy about boy's bouncy curls...saying he looked like a "girl"...so.....
...out came the scissors and trimmers...and, this is what happened (remember who's idea this was?)...
...and this was the result! Handsome boy? Yes. Happy boy? No. :) He actually told me the next day that he was "just teasing me" with his tears. :)
By the next day he liked his hair. Daddy told him he was "handsome like Peyton Manning." :)


Jen Smith said...

the curls are gone!!! he is handsome either way! sorry we missed you last week, maybe next time will work out better :)

Anonymous said...

I always love his curls!

SLHutchens said...

Oh Kari, he looks like he grew up by 3 years with just one haircut! What a handsome little fellow. :)