"Oh, for more holiness! Oh, for more of God in my soul! Oh this pleasing pain! It makes my soul press after God!" (David Brainerd)
388. God allows earthly means to continue to 'fail us' so that He can show us HIS love
389. money for a library membership (since we moved out of the 'township'). This was a gift.
391. that this world does not bring me happiness, no matter how hard I keep looking
392. that He is opening my eyes, even when it's hard
393. good, tear-filled, late night talks with my husband
394. God's provision for our schoolyear
395. the sounds of Lizzie and Shane playing "wii football"
396. gluten free donuts on a Sunday morning
397. weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning
398. legos all over the floor
399. clean, folded clothes on the stairs
400. a sink full of dishes
401. crumbs on the dining room table
402. holding hands
403. that my mom and dad were instruments used to show me (and tell me) God's love for me-at a time I felt 'forsaken'
404. Robyn watching my kids when I went to the doctor
405. little ones in bathtubs
406. cuddle time in bed with the kids
407. free corn from the neighbors
408. Indiana beach trip with the kids
409. playing games with the kids
410. tears and healing
411. he holds me and tells me it's okay and he loves me
412. 'fear' is breaking
413. rainy days
414. 'life does not lie in the abundance of possessions' (the reminder from God's word for me)
415. hot showers
416. one toilet (it beats NO toilets!)
417. his strong arms
418. Myra opening her heart to me
419. a good dinner/fellowship with Jacob and Jama
420. how my children sat quietly at the bank
421. we got the shortsale paperwork done, and were accepted
422. our church
423. some sweet friendships forming
424. a quiet walk
425. the warmth of the sunshine on my skin
426. teaching my girls to crochet
427. opening doors I didn't think I wanted open
428. enough to share
429. rest for the weary
430. honesty
431. how Nehi made us laugh
432. the smell of freshly baked (GF!) orange pound cake
433. the grace to FIGHT
434. our girls making us breakfast
435. seeing my children reading
436. beautiful pain
437. a visit with our family
438. free corn, tomatoes, and zucchini from my sister
439. pinata in the rain
440. 18 pieces of clothing at Goodwill for $30
441. time with my boy at night to rub his back and tummy
442. a good conversation with my sweet mother-in-law, and the love God is restoring in that relationship
443. kids laughing
444. $1 amish-made bread to feed my kids breakfast for 2 days
445. a day out with my sister
446. more tomatoes, zucchini, and potatoes from my sister's garden
447. good sermons, not to make us 'feel good', but to make us more like Christ
448. no anxiety that day