Sunday, November 07, 2010

Yes, I am flawed...

photo by Kari McGrath

"I don’t open my eyes…. To my dust and my smudges and my grime and my love-smeared mess. Why can’t I remember…the state of my space doesn’t reflect the state of my soul...I don’t have to have smudgeless windows and empty laundry baskets and gleamy toilet bowls! I don’t have to have a perfect life, all problems solved! ......I simply need have a grateful heart to give Him glory.." (A.V) (whole blog post here)


Deborah said...

Hello my dear Kari! I love A.V., and her site, A Holy Experience! I read her blog often, and I'm wanting to get her book ... she inspires, and encourages me in so many ways. This one especially spoke to me ... and, yes, I too, am flawed, but I've realized, even though I have difficult days, still, it's okay! And, I love the photo you have here with this post, too! Your children are precious, and they look so much like you! I wanted to thank you for coming by my photography site, and leaving those encouraging comments, too! This is my second site, and a little more personal, even though I still put my photography on here. I'll follow you from both ... hope you don't mind! :) You have a blessed week ... me, I'm working at getting over this flu bug! =\

~ Debi

Kari said...

I had not seen her site before this year, when a friend told me about it! I love her stuff. Amazing, real, poetic. Full of grace! :) Thank you...I love my kiddos. They are precious. Awesome...I wish I had more time to visit your site and otehrs'. I rarely do. Glad I got over there. It's fun to see what you've been doing! :) Hope you get some rest this week! xoxo, K